“AN OLD PROVERB SAYS, THAT A MAN DIGS HIS OWN GRAVE WITH HIS fork and knife. It’s absolutely true! Today in America, we are one of the most overfed and undernourished societies that ever lived.
Facing the terrible truth about the American Diet
Most of America’s health problems today are caused by dietary abuses. Elizabeth Frazao of the US Department of Agriculture reported poor eating habits are linked to more than half of the deaths in the United States.
‘Diet is a significant factor in the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), certain types of cancer, and stroke-the three leading causes of death in the United States, and responsible for over half of all deaths…Diet also plays a major role in the development of diabetes (the seventh leading cause of death), hypertension, and obesity. These six health conditions incur considerable medical expenses, lost work, disability, and premature deaths-much of it unnecessary, since a significant proportion of these conditions is believed to be preventable through improved diets.’”
This was quoted from Dr. Don Colbert’s book, TOXIC RELIEF ;Restore Health and Energy Through Fasting And Detoxification, Published by: Siloam Charisma Media/ Charisma House Book Group, 600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746, page 34. www.charismahouse.com.
A few years ago, my brother came from Florida to stay a while with me. We went to the supermarket to buy groceries. I went around to the meat section and picked out my usual fish, salmon, white meats, vegetables and fruits, most of which contains little fat. He went to the meats picked up a few parquets of red meats, puts them in the counter, and says grinning; “you have to eat good once in a while.” I didn’t say much, not wanting to offend him, but, I thought to myself, “If that’s eating good/ I’ll continue eating bad.” This incident is reflective of the way we where both brought up by our grandmother, who was a great cook, who together with my grandfather owned several small restaurants in our home town. Growing up we savored all these great dishes, always stuffing ourselves until our bellies popped out. Since my teenage years, I determined to eat healthy, but the temptation to indulge myself is always there.
Dr Colbert goes on to say, “When treating those with degenerative diseases, I began to notice a pattern. Most of these individuals weren’t underfed. In fact, most of them were big overeaters. They ate plenty-but they ate all the wrong things. They were overfed and yet completely undernourished.
This was particularly true of people with obesity, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension, a host of different allergic conditions, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. In fact, to some degree, it appeared to apply to nearly all degenerative diseases.
For many of these people, medications won’t help. Nor can taking vitamins and nutrients eliminate the cause of these diseases. That’s because it’s not lack that causes many of these diseases-it’s eating too much of the wrong foods.
I began to realize that one of the main causes of these degenerative diseases is overconsumption of sugary, fatty, starchy, and high-protein foods-foods that have been processed, fried, and further devitalized. These are inflammatory foods that actually invite disease into our bodies. These people where taking in enormous amounts of empty, fattening calories, but they were not nourishing their bodies but inflaming them.
Taking some supplements such as a comprehensive multivitamin with minerals, omega -3 fats, and vitamin D3 is important. However, much more important are eliminating (or significantly reducing) consumption of the toxic fats, sugars, processed ‘dead’ inflammatory foods, and eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and other ‘living’ foods.”
By the way, if you want to get acquainted with Dr Colbert and his wife, watch this short video as they both explain what they mean by “dead food,” http://youtu.be/OalQ250-eqE . I was in a safety driver’s seminar this morning, and as I was in line to pick up breakfast, I told a fellow driver, “watch how everybody skips the fruits bowl, and instead goes for the dead food such as the bacon and sausages that have been dead for weeks.” And sure enough, that’s what happened. If some of you listening to all this are thinking, “Yeah right?” Then you’re right, that attitude is not going to allow you to make a course correction that might increase your life expectancy and quality of life to be able to see your kids grow old and the grandkids that will surely come afterwards.
A couple of months ago, one Sunday morning, as I was making my customary walk in the park, a co-worker who’s older than I am, ran past me at good running pace. By the time I walked the four miles or so, he must have run by me four times. I was very surprise to find out that he had been a marathon runner for a long time and I didn’t even know it. I congratulated him and from that moment on we became better acquainted with each other. Every time I saw him at work he got happy and would tell me of upcoming marathon runs that he would participate in. A few weeks ago I bumped into another co-worker who had for a time lost a lot of weight by running and eating better foods. He said to me, “Have you heard what happened to so and so,” referring to the marathon runner co-worker. I said “no, what happened?” He said, “He got a stroke right in the job, and he could not move his left side.” Wow, that was a choker to me. But then, my co-worker says, “you see, that’s why I’m going to keep on eating pork, red meats and everything else I could get a hold of, because you never know when could be your last day.”
Though, there is some truth to that statement, I hope we don’t copy this attitude because, “why be in a hurry to cut our lives short?” Napoleon Hill said, “every apparent failure; brings with it, the seed of equivalent or greater benefit.” I, for one believe; that my friend and co-worker, the marathon runner, will see this health challenge as just another fete to overcome. No doubt in my mind, that he will also win this race. As to the one that said he’s going to eat everything in his path, between you and me, he might be defeating the very purpose he started all this regiment to start with. This underscores the importance of being completely convinced of the reason why you’re changing a bad habit and replacing it with a new one, a healthier one.
Dr Colbert goes on to explain, “Taking in dead, man-made, processed food creates a trap. When your body realizes that it hasn’t received the nourishment it craves, even after you’ve eaten a large, calorie-laden meal, your brain sends a signal that it still needs nourishment. But when you answer that craving with more dead food, you start a cycle that leaves your body laboring under a devastating burden of too much sugar, starch, and fat, leading to chronic inflammation and degenerative diseases.
This kind of burden creates enormous stress for your entire digestive tract. It overtaxes the liver and overwhelms your entire body with massive amounts of dangerous fats, chemicals, and other toxins.
All the while, in a sense, you are starving. You are becoming depleted of what you really need: essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes. Eating in this way will make you feel fatigued and irritable, and over time you’ll begin to develop one or more of the degenerative diseases listed above.
Over-nutrition is worse than under-nutrition. In fact, animal studies have shown that getting too few calories, which is technically called calorie restriction, can actually increase longevity. Although I do recommend calorie restriction for some diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and obesity, I believe that as a nation we need to work harder at eating in a way that keeps us within a healthy weight range.”
“…Thomas A. Edison said, ‘The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease’.”
This is why I believe that Dr. Don Colbert is one of those doctors Thomas A. Edison was referring too. My hope is that by sharing his work you would buy this book and or visit his website http://www.divinehealthwellness.com/dr-don-colbert-md/ to get acquainted with his health foods, and other natural supplements. He goes on to mention all the other ways we are being bombarded by all sides with toxins that are being absorbed by our bodies and over working our liver and immune systems.
I opted not to continue quoting from this book, but I have included some of the web sites that offer information on these areas that are affecting our lively hoods. Click on the links for more info.
Toxic chemicals released by industries this year:
4,249,210 tons
Toxic chemical release - sources and methods
Facts- Each and every second 310 Kg of toxic chemicals are released into our air, land, and water by industrial facilities around the world.
- This amounts to approximately 10 million tons (over 21 billion pounds) of toxic chemicals released into our environment by industries each year.
- Of these, over 2 million tons (over 4.5 billion pounds) per year are recognized carcinogens. This amounts to about 65 Kg each second.
- Toxic chemicals: substances that can cause severe illness, poisoning, birth defects, disease, or death when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed by living organisms.
- recognized carcinogens: as defined by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (view OSHA Carcinogens list)
- release: any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping or disposing into the environment (as defined by EPCRA, U.S. Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act section, 329-8)
- Environment: includes water, air and land and the interrelationship which exists among and between water, air, and land and all living things.
For worldwide statistics, we refer primarily to the data provided by the United Nations Environment Program and correlated United Nations agencies.
For the United States, the data is provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The main providers of data and statistics about the environment and sustainable development for the European Union are:
References and useful links:
- United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Program - conducted by EPA
- Tri Explorer - toxic chemical releases database search
- Scorecard - "the pollution information site" based on TRI data (U.S.)
- WHBB Web Hosting Data - Green, Eco Friendly, and Carbon-Neutral web hosting data plans compared.
- Euro stat - Environment related Statistics
- Learn About Asbestos Exposure
- we LIKE cenegenicsJAX.com
- OSHA Statistics & Data page - (OSHA) Occupational Safety & Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor)
- Toxic Waste - Wikipedia
- GaBi - the world's premium Life Cycle Assessment Software. Get your free software demo!
- "Estimate of Toxic Chemical Emissions Is Tripled" - New York Times, Published: May 12, 2000
- Toxic Pollution And Health: An Analysis of Toxic Chemicals Released in Communities across the United States
Home > Clear Science > Which Chemicals Are Linked to Breast Cancer? > Food
Chemicals in Food
Modern food-production methods have introduced new environmental exposures to carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting compounds.In some ways, our ancestors had it easy. Because they didn't have chemically treated food and chemically enhanced kitchenware, their diets and cooking practices exposed them to fewer toxic hazards.
Today when we eat meat, poultry and dairy, we eat the residue of everything the animal ate, including growth hormones, pesticides and contaminants.
And it's not just the food itself that you have to watch, but the containers they're stored in, which can leach toxic chemicals such as BPA, styrene and vinyl chloride. Not only do they sound unappetizing, they're actually bad for you.
Following are some of the harmful chemicals commonly found in our food and food containers, along with descriptions of what they are, where they're found and why they're bad. And check out our Tips for Prevention section to learn how to avoid them.
Bisphenol A (BPA)
You are what you eat, so make safe choices in the kitchen.Tips to eat and live better >
Bisphenol A (BPA) can be found in reusable plastic food containers and the lining of food and beverage cans. Research shows that BPA exposure is linked to breast cancer, and has been shown to interfere with chemotherapy treatment for the disease.
Phthalates can be found in some plastic food containers and are considered endocrine disruptors. Phthalate exposure has been linked to early puberty in girls, a risk factor for later-life breast cancer. Some phthalates also act as weak estrogens in cell culture systems.Pesticides
Some pesticides and herbicides used on the food we eat have been labeled as human or animal carcinogens and many are also found in water supplies and indoor air and dust. Pesticide exposure is of particular concern for agricultural workers. Studies have shown that some herbicides and pesticides stimulate growth of breast cancer cells or cause mammary cancer in rats.Zeranol
Zeranol is one of the most widely used chemicals in the U.S. beef industry. It is of special concern since it mimics the hormone estradiol. Scientists recently exposed cancer cells to zeranol-treated beef and the results showed significant increases in cancer growth.rBGH/rBST
Since its introduction in 1993, bovine growth hormone (rBGH/rBST) has proven controversial because of its potential carcinogenic effects. Several studies have shown an association between dairy consumption and breast cancer in pre-menopausal women. rBGH has also been shown to raise insulin-like growth factor levels in the body, associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.Styrene
Styrene can leach from polystyrene – a component of Styrofoam food trays, egg cartons, disposable cups and carryout containers – when heated, worn or put under pressure. Styrene is an animal mammary carcinogen and is possibly carcinogenic to humans.Vinyl Chloride
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used to produce food packaging. When PVC is made, vinyl chloride may be released into the air or wastewater. It was one of the first chemicals designated as known human carcinogen and has been linked to increased mortality from breast cancer and liver cancer among workers involved in its manufacture.Phytoestrogens
Phytoestrogens are found primarily in soy food products. Although scientific evidence suggests that plant-based estrogens offer nutritional benefits, the data is more conflicting when it comes to breast cancer risk. Some studies suggest phytoestrogen consumption during adolescence may help reduce later risk of breast cancer, but other studies suggest it may cause oxidative DNA damage and interfere with breast cancer drugs.For more information visit this page at http://www.breastcancerfund.org/clear-science/chemicals-linked-to-breast-cancer/food/ http://www.breastcancer.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&term=chemicals&commit=Search
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· 06.04.13
Federal Ban on BPA in Food Packaging Introduced in Congress
A statement by Janet Nudelman, director of program and policy, on the Ban Poisonous Additives Act of 2013.· 04.17.13
Will Your Canned Soup Carry a Warning Label? (Rodale, 4/12/2013)
"The Prop 65 listing is yet another indictment of this toxic chemical that industry continues to argue is safe, despite waves of peer-reviewed scientific studies finding that BPA harms reproduction and is linked to breast cancer."· 04.12.13
California says BPA is toxic, France warns pregnant women
Two strikes against BPA this week: California's Prop 65 and French report advising pregnant women to avoid exposure to the chemical.· 02.28.13
Phthalates and BPA make an unexpected appearance
A new study suggests that an individual may not be able to avoid food packaging chemicals like phthalates and BPA by cutting out canned and plastic-wrapped foods.For more information visit this page: http://www.breastcancerfund.org/clear-science/chemicals-linked-to-breast-cancer/food/
Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in 31 of 35 U.S Cities' Water Supply
Hexavalent chromium, the cancer-causing chemical made famous by the film "Erin Brockovich," has been detected in the tap water of 31 of the 35 U.S. cities tested by Environmental Working Group-commissioned studies. That's 89 percent of cities sampled.
According to the EPA, hexavalent chromium [PDF] is "likely to be carcinogenic to humans." Yet, EWG reports, "Despite mounting evidence of its toxic effects, the EPA has not set a legal limit for hexavalent chromium in tap water nationally and does not require water utilities to test for it."
According to EWG the 31 cities studied collectively serve more than 26 million people. Water in 25 of those cities was found with levels above the safe maximum of .06 parts per billion proposed by California regulators last year. (California is the only state that requires hexavalent chromium testing.) The highest levels were found in Norman, Oklahoma; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Riverside, California.
Check out the map produced by EWG showing more of the test results at Treehugger. EWG puts the map, and the test findings, into context:
EWG's tests provide a one-time snapshot of chromium-6 levels in 35 cities. But chromium pollution is a continuous, ongoing problem, as shown by the annual water quality reports that utilities must produce under federal law. Over the years, nearly all of the 35 cities tested by EWG regularly report finding chromium (in the form of total chromium) in their water despite using far less sensitive testing methods than those used by EWG.
The total number of Americans drinking tap water contaminated with this compound is likely far higher than is indicated by EWG's tests. At least 74 million people in nearly 7,000 communities drink tap water polluted with "total chromium," which includes hexavalent and other forms of the metal, according to EWG's 2009 analysis of water utility tests from 48,000 communities in 42 states (EWG 2009).
And then explains at least part of how it came to be this way:
Industry has sought for more than six years to delay state-mandated regulation of hexavalent chromium in tap water in California. Aerospace giant Honeywell International Inc. and others have stalled the adoption of the advisory public health goal by pressing for additional external scientific peer review. California's Department of Public Health can neither set nor enforce a mandatory tap water standard for hexavalent chromium until the goal is finalized.
As for steps forward, EWG is advocating for the EPA to "move expeditiously to establish a legal limit for chromium-6 and require public water suppliers to test for it."
This is by no means a sign to start drinking bottled water instead of tap—there are so many problems with that as a solution, including that it's not cleaner, that it's not worth a second thought. It just means the EPA should be doing its job of protecting the environment and public health. And perhaps filtering your water at home.
For more information please visit this page at: http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/402073/cancer-causing_chemical_found_in_31_of_35_u.s_cities'_water_supply
I conclude this part with what Dr. Colbert writes, “Toxic substances, as we learned earlier, are everywhere. They are in the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, and the food that we eat. They attack us from outside and from within.
We are living in the most toxic time the world has ever known. Our ability to stay healthy is increasingly determined by our body’s ability to detoxify.
The best way to eliminate these toxins from our bodies is to start a detoxification program. Here’s how:
- Start by following the liver cleansing diet for two to four weeks.
- Take supplements for a healthy liver.
- Drink at least two quarts of alkaline water a day.
- Get plenty of fiber.
- Undergo periodic juice fasting for three to seven days at a time (or longer if monitored by a physician).
- Finish up with another two weeks on the liver cleansing diet.
Additional information is found in Dr. Colbert’s book, that’s why it’s a must read to open our eyes. I know that all of this can be depressing; I know it was for me when I first started to read through all the data he was providing in the book. But he gives you important ways to ensure the best of your health and for those in your family and loved ones. Another good source of information as well as a pro active movement which I will surely be joining shortly is Thrivemovement.com. You should also watch this movie “Thrive: What on earth will it take?” http://youtu.be/lEV5AFFcZ-s , and become better acquainted with some of the issues I have already mentioned in my posts and others I have alluded too.
For those of you interested in the Dr. Colbert’s 28 day fast, go visit his web page at http://www.divinehealthwellness.com/dr-don-colbert-md/ .
For those of you who are on the go as me, I have great news for you. After reading the book I was troubled because as a commercial driver, it’s pretty dangerous for me going on a 28 day fast. So I decided to take the book with me and go visit the local GNC. I showed the guy the highlighted names of the super foods. He said yeah, we have that, in a powder mix together with all fruits. Then, I said to him, what about a Detoxifying liver program? He said we have that also; it’s a seven day program, no fasting necessary. Wow, this means I could get both things without the need to detoxify by fasting and the super foods (fruits and vegetables) without having to blend all that in a juicer. Yes!
I joined the GNC Club card for discounts and I bought two months supply of the “Super Foods Supreme” (Juice and Vegetables powder mix), and the “Complete Body Cleansing 7 day program for detoxifying the liver for $100 and saved about $49.00 in the process. I don’t know about you, but I blow $100.00 easy on my car in a weekend, why not invest that in my own health. So it all comes down to intelligent choices. Without my health and vitality, I could do very little to bless my wife, family, and do much less to keep you guys informed. By the way, as I’m writing this article, I’m on my fifth day, of detoxifying and drinking the “Super Foods Supreme.” I even got my wife Milca into drinking it; she just came back from her trip of being with her mother in Puerto Rico. So we are enjoying our twenty- ninth honey moon and still growing strong, Yahoo! So, let’s not dig our graves but carve our way with our forks and knives into more health and nutrition, by living more abundantly.
I want to thank all of you who have written comments, telling me how you’ve been moved into desiring to aspire into becoming: bloggers, web-developers, authors, and those who are utilizing techniques that you have picked up by my own example and are applying them into your own communities already being in the way of growth and increase. Earl Nightingale put it this way, “the definition of success could be defined as this, to be progressively realizing a worthy ideal.” So if you‘ve adopted the ideal of this blog by bringing your whole being: the spiritual, the mental, the physical, and the financial into a mature, perfect, whole alignment; and you’re progressively realizing this worthy ideal, you are in the way of success.
In Napoleon Hill’s times, right after the Great Depression, he said that only 5% 0f the population where living successfully, but 95% didn’t even know what success meant. Can somebody find out what the same statistics say about our times and post it here? Therefore, I have laid down in this blog a solid foundation interlocking all these four major areas of the being. If you pick out some of the methods and techniques mentioned here, and you intelligently design a strategy that best suits your needs, you will have more than enough knowledge to send you in the way of success. If you have some difficulty in putting together and implementing techniques, that is where I can assist you in personal coaching. If you need someone to help motivate you, and keep you focus and accountable; I might be of assistance in those areas as well. I’m currently undertaking training in life coaching techniques, and methodologies that will help us better understand and interpret those internal representational systems that become our perception and projection of our internal world that then becomes our external realities. “As a man thinks of himself, so is he.” My hope is that this blog and its contributing writers continue helping you: discover, and live, more abundantly…
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