Saturday, April 27, 2013

To lead individuals in the discovery and fulfillment of living more abundantly

I know we all have suffered or are still suffering from self esteem issues. If you read my story you will see the evidence there. However after coming to Christ twenty six years ago, He and I started a collaborating process of coming into my own self. This is where I find myself at this present stage of life, understanding that the “I AM,” is in me so I am Ricky an evolving man. I am finally comfortable being just me, Ricky. I believe that my whole being is coming into perfect (complete) alignment consisting of four major areas: THE SPIRITUAL, THE MENTAL (psychic), THE PHYSICAL, AND THE FINANCIAL. I truly believe that when Jesus said, “…I have come so that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10b MKJV)  This is how I believe we live more abundantly. That is the mission of this ministry and of my personal life: To lead individuals in the discovery and fulfillment of living more abundantly. How do you feel about this topic, living more abundantly?

Introduction to Life Experience Academy

Life Experience Academy is a teaching outreach ministry. We are committed to draw from life experience those lessons that can provide us with the wisdom for everyday living. God’s Grand Master Plan: Spiritual development and Growth Program utilizes the Biblical principle, “Everything will be established by two or three witnesses.” (Deut. 17:6, Mat. 18:16, Jn. 8:17) Our Life experience as the first witness, scientific method through experts in the fields of counseling as the second witness, and God’s Wisdom as taught in the word of God as the third witness, but in fact will become our standard of faith and conduct. Send me an e-mail and ask for GGMP at or and visit us in Facebook-group (Life Experience Academy-Ricardo Perpina). Visit us in YouTube channel “Ricardo Perpina.” Your comments, insights and life experiences are welcome. Come visit us at  

I have just discovered a better way that we may secure power over our wealth, by securing precious metals such as gold and silver at wholesale dealers discount and with affiliate marketing opportunities so that we can have a greater financial peace of mind for a more abundant fruitful future for us, as well as our families. Please check out my post page by clicking the link,

This company is called Preservation of Wealth and has been around since 2009, I have performed due diligence in checking it out, after visiting the site you should do the same. If after performing your own research you determine this company to be trust worthy, reputable, and are interested in joining our team of associates please follow the link, . As Robert Kiyosaki says, you can be creating your “Cash Flow Machine”, and another author said, “at the same time that you’re spiraling up wealth you’re spiraling down debt.”
You can also help expand these services by:
  1. Making a donation on the side bar and clicking the donation button
  2. Choosing one of the banners and visiting on the side bar
  3.  Contacting me at or
  4. Helping to provide solutions to people who comment with everyday problems
  5. Getting involved in the mission of helping others discover and live more abundantly
Finally, Some of you have commented asking: what Blog platform you’re using?  What web-hosting are you using because it loads up fast? How can you protect your site from hackers? How can I learn more about SEO? Here are the fundamentals tools I used to create my BLOG, John Chow, the guy that taught me the foundational and advance information on how to set up a free Word-Press weblog and the web hosting recommended to get started and become successful as an Affiliate Marketer. Click on the link and it will take you to his site, and if you decide to buy his knowledge and direction it will provide the site with some revenue. Please be sure to review your purchase before buying.

For Web-hosting click

For Blogging with John Chow Click Here!

This Guru will teach and illustrate for you everything needed to know about blogging and affiliate marketing; he will help you rise from the competitive plane unto the creative plane, so you can create cash flow opportunities for you and your families. Remember… knowledge is power when you can organize it towards intelligent directed purposes, and this is what you will learn to do, won’t you? Yes, go for it!!!