Now, for those of you who are: mature, fully grown, in the discernment of good and evil, and fully prepared for every good work, in the Love of Christ, this subject is meant for you to help me sort it out. I’m not interested in controversies or vain arguing, but for us to be open minded and unbiased, looking into whatever might belong to: “the way, the truth, and the life.” Those things which scriptures mentions, but that are not fully developed and expounded upon, simply because it was not their time to understand and apply without the power of God’s Spirit leading them to these truths. One of the amazing things I’m being led to discover in my own experience is that God put in motion certain laws that govern human growth and development; When these are fully understood, by cooperating with them, they will aid you in living more abundantly; However, when these very same laws are ignored, by moving or working against them, they will seem to give you more of what you desire, even evil. But eventually you will be heading in the wrong direction, and forcing your will against the righteous law against which, no one can prevail. This is the very reason most people think and say, "God is punishing me, everything is going wrong." But the true reality is, that you caused it by wrong thinking and action, the very effect you are experiencing in your outer circumstances.
I realized that after studying scriptures for a long time, I was still ignorant about these natural laws. I was well acquainted with the spiritual side of things, but I had not realized they had a physical side or equivalent as well. I’m starting to partially understand that the very Righteous Laws of God that operate in the SPIRITUAL REALM have their physical equivalent that work in the MATERIAL REALM. That these are two sides of the same coin sort of speak. I realized that if God prepared good works that we may walk in them, then how are these works to show up? How am I to discern which works they are? Well, now I understand the Law of attraction to be; that which brings towards me, those things which I must be expecting to show up, for me to fulfill my purpose, and such are those as drawing you to join me in these discoveries. Before you offer you opinion with me, and those that will be reading the posted comments, would you get acquainted with this law of attraction? If interested, go to my YouTube page, “Ricardo Perpina”, and look at the History of videos I viewed (Audios) and click on the ones related to this subject the “Law of Attraction.” Listen to them a couple of times, meditate on it and get back to me. Remember a few things: “You can’t judge a book by its cover,” and Jesus said something like this, “Don’t judge by appearances, I say to you, judge with righteous judgment” ; and Paul told Timothy something like this, “Do not refuse prophesy but examine everything, take hold of that which is good and do away that which is not.” I hope that we can sharpen iron with iron, But in the LOVE- OF- CHRIST. These are some audios related to the Law of Attraction, click here: It is probably best to start with the last video/audio on this list, the movie "The Secret".