I asked you my brothers, not judge anything before due time; especially on matters that you do not truly understand. This is why I will do my best to offer all the links and resources I found in my journeying and I will also offer you my own understanding as to what I believe is “The Universal Big Picture” and my new expanded “Universal Biblical World View.” But again this is only from my own gained understanding and perspective. Yes!!! All this journeying has greatly solidified my faith in what the Holy Scriptures says as well as where we are all heading.
I will now briefly summarize the various knowledge’s this journey has led me to:
1.) Quantum Physics: a.)”THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS” by David Wilcock b.) “THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE” by Michael Talbot
2.)Technologies: a.) FREE ENERGY – Nikola Tesla unlimited free energy forever – THEY don’t want you to know about! http://youtu.be/YTjYHnpJjEE b.) Time Travel: Real Time Traveler *PROOF* Evidence of Time Travel in Our Universe. http://youtu.be/1Gtf0yXLI7A c.) HAARP Conspiracy – Jerry E. Smith Lecture http://youtu.be/a4sg5gML1Uo
3.)“UFO’S FOR THE 21st CENTURY MIND” by Richard M. Dolan UFO cover up agenda:
a.) PHIL SCHNEIDER – The Last Words: http://youtu.be/_y2ydvmX68 b.) Dr. Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Grays: http://youtu.be/jKbOpTMmnNg (Yes! Sadly, these three brave people died for exposing these truths.) c.) William Cooper Exposes The Illuminati The Secret Government: http://youtu.be/oIo3GpornCk
4.) Secret Ancient Knowledge Gregg Braden The Divine Matrix: http://youtu.be/VuW7e1yCVvc a.) chakras’ seven energy centers, “THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO CHAKRAS” BY Betsy, Ph.D., and Eve Adamson A.) “T’AI CHI CH’UAN: Becoming one with Tao” by PETRA AND TOYO KOBAYASHI, b.) “TAI CHI CHUAN 24 & 48 Postures With Martial Applications” by Master Liang, Shou-Yu & Wu, Wen-Ching
5.) Astral Theology with Santos Bonacci: “As Above So Below Part 1”: http://youtu.be/HtExkh6ZiNU a.) Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie: http://youtu.be/U8NNHmV3QPw?list=UUEcMWs6GudljuLw0-Umf97A
6.) “The Emerald Tablets (FULL) Read Aloud with Text On-screen”: http://youtu.be/SSnx9qQymGM a.) The Kybalion of Hermes Trismegistus, [FULL Audio book with Subtitles] (+ Emerald Tablets) : http://youtu.be/UvV8vLON-nY “Law of One” (RA Material) http://www.lawofone.info/ b.) Scott Mandelker PhD: The Law of One, Session 1 (part 1): http://youtu.be/9y7iZWafrDM c.) Carla Rueckert and the Law of One – Interview with Denise Wilbanks: http://youtu.be/xMPavUJ3OA4 d.) Drunvalo Melchizedek “THE ANCIENT SECRET OF THE FLOWER OF LIFE” Volume one and two; and “Living in the Heart” by Drunvalo (Melchizedek Episode 12 Q&A With Drunvalo Melchizedek & ATIH Teacher Michelle Pacheco: http://youtu.be/HSBOnglwNyE
So there you have it, a brief summary with all the links and resources on what I have been discovering as I endeavored to search out an ever expanding field of infinite possibilities.
"The Universal Big Picture"
I want to thank all you authors, teachers, and masters in your respective disciplines for being part of the “Light Workers” or “Love/Light” communities of human and universal service to others. I have personally been enriched by your dedication to service. My hope is that more people reading this blog and clicking your links will benefit from your service. As Gregg Braden consistently points out, it only takes one percent of human consciousness to affect the direction of this planet. Why? Because “Heart Math Institute” http://youtu.be/QdneZ4fIIHE , and “the Global Consciousness project” http://youtu.be/cnvJfkI5NVc have discovered that through heart emotions we, the planet are all connected. So 1% of the entire world population comes out to about what 70 million people that’s much less than the “Georgia Guide Stones” 500 million bench mark of earth’s inhabitants. So you see my friends this is a doable number, but it multiplies by you and me passing on the word. Can we achieve a worldwide tsunami of good will service-to-others mind set of unconditional love, of course we can!!! If! You adopt the “nothing is impossible for those that believe” mentality.
So, what about the UFO phenomena? I am more convinced than ever that this is true and I have a better grasp about how it all tides in with the spiritual or metaphysical reality. I always understood that what the Bible said, was not only to be understood as only concerning planet earth but all creation, including the universal and multi-dimensional creations. So the same God that is over us had to be over all, and if we are his creation, so is whatever is to have existed out there. Understanding this instinctively I discovered the “Law of One” material channeled by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty.
This is part of the introduction to this historic event:
"1.0 ↥ Ra: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow-band vibration. We greet you in the love and in the light of our Infinite Creator. We have watched your group. We have been called to your group, for you have a need for the diversity of experiences in channeling which go with a more intensive, or as you might call it, advanced approach to the system of studying the patterns of the illusions of your body, your mind, and your spirit, which you call seeking the truth. We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same. The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is “All things, all of life, all of the creation are part of one original thought.” We will exercise each channel if we are able to. The reception of our beam is a somewhat more advanced feat than some of the more broad vibration channels opened by other members for more introductory and intermediate work. Let us for a moment consider thought. What is it, my friends, to take thought? Took you then thought today? What thoughts did you think today? What thoughts where part of the original thought today? In how many of your thoughts did the creation abide? Was love contained? And was service freely given? You are not part of a material universe. You are part of a thought. You are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. You are dancing thoughts. You move your body, your mind, and your spirit in somewhat eccentric patterns for you have not completely grasped the concept that you are part of the original thought. We would at this time transfer to an instrument known as Don. I am Ra…"
The Holy Scriptures admonishes us to establish all things by two or three witnesses and this is precisely what transpired here. Not only where there more than three witnesses but, most of the material was tape recorded as Carla fell into a trans-like state for the channeling of 106 sessions in about three arduous years that ended in tragedy. My heart goes out for them, and they are truly heroes in the service to others field.
After dedicating more than 70 hrs. Into their work, I’m convinced they are the real deal. But I hope that you would listen, read and research for yourself because this is the capstone that tides all my previous years of research into this area of understanding. Just to give you an idea of my discipline of research, I drive a tractor trailer for an honest living. I spend eight hours driving to and fro daily which most of it I use listening to YouTube and audio studies or audio books. Plus a good five hours more after hours reading, listening and researching more material. This is how I was able to go through so much material in one year. This ought to give you an idea of how you too can use your time wisely and achieve your own base of knowledge and understandings.
This is what confirmed what was revealed to Drunvalo Melchizedek by Thoth (Hermes), and what Hermes reveals in the Emerald Tablets. I have forgotten to mention Zecharia Sitchin’s series on “The Earth Chronicles” where in book one “The 12th Planet” Published by Harper, an Imprint of Harper Collings Publishers, and 10 East 53rd Street, New York, New York 10022-5299. This is part of what he wrote in:
…In The Twelfth Planet I have sought to decipher a sophisticated cosmogony which explains, perhaps as well as modern scientific theories, how the solar system could have been formed, an invading planet caught into solar orbit, Earth and other parts of the solar system brought into being.
The evidence I offer includes celestial maps dealing with space flight to Earth from that Planet, the Twelfth. Then, in sequence, follow the dramatic establishment of the first settlements on Earth by the Nefilim: their leaders were named; their relationships, loves, jealousies, achievements and struggles described; the nature of their “immortality” explained.
Above all, The Twelfth Planet aims to trace the momentous events that led to the creation of Man, and the advanced methods by which this was accomplished.
It then suggests the tangled relationship between Man and his Lords, and throws fresh light on the meaning of the great Flood. Finally, Man-endowed by his makers biologically and materially-ends up crowding his gods off the Earth.
This book suggests that we are not alone in our solar system. Yet it may enhance rather than diminish the faith in a universal Almighty. For, if the Nefilim created Man on Earth, they may have only been fulfilling a vaster Master Plan.
New York, February 1977 Z. Sitchin”
If you are a devoted Bible believing Christian as me, you have all kinds of bells and whistles going off just about a little while ago. And if you knew me from about twenty some odd years ago when I was teaching the Bible you would have known what I felt about all these points of views and interpretations. So the mere fact that I am now open to all this says a lot about where I am at this present moment in my own spiritual evolution. Truthfully, some of my Christian acquaintances will be out raged by me even considering all this. But that’s part of the price that I must pay to have an open objective mind and search out all infinite possibilities.
But going back to Sitchin’s research and interpretation of the Sumerian text and tablet inscriptions that led him to establish these views are somewhat confirmed by the “Emerald Tablets”, Ra’s communication with the LL group, and Drunvalo’s insights and revelations. Not only these sources cross reference themselves but we have “The Pleiadian Message” http://youtu.be/U9HtZFb_VtM and the “Lacerta Interviews” http://youtu.be/OWb-sEFWQic . I hope that you listen to them take notes and compare by cross referencing them all.
"Universal Biblical World View"
So after all this info to consider and take into account I have an expanding Universal Biblical World View that is essentially an all-inclusive created beings that are in an spiritual evolutionary path the same as us, and who use a diversity of bodies depending on the solar system and planet which they are experiencing growth and evolution on. The bodies seem to be vehicles of experience and interaction with its planetary environment. The goal of evolutionary experience seems to be essentially the same as us here on earth, which is, to learn by experience how to balance their lower energy centers working their way through polarity and will their way into love and or wisdom. Ra’s information confirms that each planetary experience corresponds to a different density or dimensional level that corresponds with a chakra energy vortex. We are in a third dimensional planetary experience that corresponds directly with third chakra activation and reaching towards the next level of experience that corresponds with fourth dimension, the fourth love chakra.
According to Ra we are getting ready for 3 dimensional harvest and in order to graduate 3d positive you must perform service to others in unconditional love at least 51 percent of your time in this cycle. And he shared that there is a negative side referred to as service to self who are mostly influence by manipulation and control from 4d and 5d negative beings coming from the Orion Group. Yes, these beings use the shadow governments here on earth which some of you are familiar with. But Ra explains the high respect and observance of the Universal law of free will which all living entities must respect and honor.
The law of free will is also known as the law of confusion. He explains that it is this way because of our distinct 3d experience with the veil of illusion that was drawn in order to separate conscious awareness from unconscious knowledge of who we truly are or who we were before this incarnation into 3d experience. The main reason for this veiling experience seems to be to create mystery and a desire to know, increasing the diversity of choices exploring unlimited possibilities producing in turn a greater pool of knowledge and experience for the logos to learn and adjust in offering more diversity in creating more universes.
Lastly Ra confirmed that which I have shared for some time with family and friends about what I had felt our experience would be like after the new heavens and the new earth. This is where the book of revelations big picture takes us to, but nothing is said about what we would be doing after the big celebration was over. I have always felt there would be a lot more to do such as being able and willing to share this 3d experience with other beings in other planets and solar systems going through what we did, in their own 3d experience. The only rule of law is that of beings exercising their own free will and working themselves out of confusion by learning the ways of love, and service to others, or of selfish service to self. I believe one of the most important things Ra revealed, was that in either of the two ways of service, it will all end up in unity of love/light; because in essence we are all: “One Infinite Creator,” living through us a vast infinite diversity of experiences.
"The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is,
All things, all of life, all of the creation are part of one original thought. You are part of a thought. You are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. You are dancing thoughts.
I am Ra. We leave you, my friends, in the love and the glorious light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.”
Weeks after publishing this page and just when I thought I had gone as far as I could, I stumbled upon Al Bielek’s “Time Travel Tale. In his testimony, he recounts his time travel from 1943 to 2137 when he and his brother Duncan woke in a hospital bed. They stayed there for about a month and mostly noticed that the United States topography and government structure had changed. One day he was transported by himself to the year 2749. He was there for about three years. There he noticed and experienced a futuristic advanced culture and society. But most noticeable to him was, this social government run by a genetic synthetic computer system artificially preprogram by a super advanced human group called “the Wing makers.” AL Bielek goes on to explain how this group had travel back in time to the eight century AD, and placed several time capsules, one which was discovered in New Mexico back in 1983.
I felt curious by this information and decided to follow this lead and look up the “WingMakers” and lo and behold I found their website and after navigating through it, I found access to the content tab section, “the Neruda interviews.” These interviews contained the whole account of this time capsule that was found and later named “the ancient arrow site,” but most interesting was everything else it reveals such as the upcoming discovery of what they call “the Grand Portal Discovery.”
Let me warn those that are faint hearted, “This is not for you,” but however if you have decided to dive into this ocean of infinite possibilities look into Al Beilek’s testimony http://youtu.be/HyH3yjupayA and look up the Wing makers site http://www.wingmakers.com . My hope is that together we can start forming those cracks on this Holographic wall of Deception, and that will in turn, allow humanity to start peeking through the cracks of infinity…
Amendment: November 8, 2014
As I continued to explore more infinite possibilities, I came across another celestial source of revelation. Little did I know; that this revelation would end up tying it all together. What do I mean? With the “Ra communication, ‘The Law of One’, I was introduced to “the Confederation of Planets” in our local solar system. With the WingMakers cosmology, and the Lyricus Teaching Order scientific approach to explaining the Grand Portal Discovery and our connection to the Human and Divine sub-quantum fields of consciousness, I was introduced to the Central Race in the Super Universe. Now with my latest discovery of “the Urantia Book” I have been updated with a million years of Earth (Urantia) history, and its connection to its local universe a part of the Seventh Super Universe which is connected to “The Central Universe” (The Central Race), and it in turn is connected to the Isle of Paradise. Wow!!! And I was able to fit all of this in one paragraph, how about that!
Let me share some excerpts of the Urantia Book Revelation which is part of the public domain:
“103. The Reality of Religious Experience
103.0.1 ALL of man’s truly religious reactions are sponsored by the early ministry of the adjutant of worship and are censored by the adjutant of wisdom. Man’s first super mind endowment is that of personality encircuitment in the Holy Spirit of the Universe Creative Spirit; and long before either the bestowals of the divine Sons or the universal bestowal of the Adjusters, this influence functions to enlarge man’s viewpoint of ethics, religion, and spirituality. Subsequent to the bestowals of the Paradise Sons the liberated Spirit of Truth makes mighty contributions to the enlargement of the human capacity to perceive religious truths. As evolution advances on an inhabited world, the Thought Adjusters increasingly participate in the development of the higher types of human religious insight. The Thought Adjuster is the cosmic window through which the finite creature may faith-glimpse the certainties and divinities of limitless Deity, the Universal Father.
103.0.2 The religious tendencies of the human races are innate; they are universally manifested and have an apparently natural origin; primitive religions are always evolutionary in their genesis. As natural religious experience continues to progress, periodic revelations of truth punctuate the otherwise slow-moving course of planetary evolution.
103.0.3 On Urantia, today, there are four kinds of religion:
103.0.4 1. Natural or evolutionary religion.
103.0.5 2. Supernatural or revelatory religion.
103.0.6 3. Practical or current religion, varying degrees of the admixture of natural and supernatural religions.
103.0.7 4. Philosophic religions, man-made or philosophically thought-out theological doctrines and reason-created religions.
6. Philosophic Co-ordination
103.6.1 Theology is the study of the actions and reactions of the human spirit; it can never become a science since it must always be combined more or less with psychology in its personal expression and with philosophy in its systematic portrayal. Theology is always the study of your religion; the study of another’s religion is psychology.
103.6.2 When man approaches the study and examination of his universe from the outside, he brings into being the various physical sciences; when he approaches the research of himself and the universe from the inside, he gives origin to theology and metaphysics. The later art of philosophy develops in an effort to harmonize the many discrepancies which are destined at first to appear between the findings and teachings of these two diametrically opposite avenues of approaching the universe of things and beings.
103.6.3 Religion has to do with the spiritual viewpoint, the awareness of the incidences of human experience. Man’s spiritual nature affords him the opportunity of turning the universe outside in. It is therefore true that, viewed exclusively from the incidences of personality experience, all creation appears to be spiritual in nature.
103.6.4 When man analytically inspects the universe through the material endowments of his physical senses and associated mind perception, the cosmos appears to be mechanical and energy-material. Such a technique of studying reality consists in turning the universe inside out.
103.6.5 A logical and consistent philosophic concept of the universe cannot be built up on the postulations of either materialism or Spiritism, for both of these systems of thinking, when universally applied, are compelled to view the cosmos in distortion, the former contacting with a universe turned inside out, the latter realizing the nature of a universe turned outside in. Never, then, can either science or religion, in and of themselves, standing alone, hope to gain an adequate understanding of universal truths and relationships without the guidance of human philosophy and the illumination of divine revelation.
103.6.6 Always must man’s inner spirit depend for its expression and self-realization upon the mechanism and technique of the mind? Likewise must man’s outer experience of material reality be predicated on the mind consciousness of the experiencing personality? Therefore are the spiritual and the material, the inner and the outer, human experiences always correlated with the mind function and conditioned, as to their conscious realization, by the mind activity. Man experiences matter in his mind; he experiences spiritual reality in the soul but becomes conscious of this experience in his mind. The intellect is the harmonizer and the ever-present conditioner and qualifier of the sum total of mortal experience. Both energythings and spirit values are colored by their interpretation through the mind media of consciousness.
103.6.7 Your difficulty in arriving at a more harmonious co-ordination between science and religion is due to your utter ignorance of the intervening domain of the morontia world of things and beings. The local universe consists of three degrees, or stages, of reality manifestation: matter, morontia, and spirit. The morontia angle of approach erases all divergence between the findings of the physical sciences and the functioning of the spirit of religion. Reason is the understanding technique of the sciences; faith is the insight technique of religion; mota is the technique of the morontia level. Mota is a super material reality sensitivity which is beginning to compensate incomplete growth, having for its substance knowledge-reason and for its essence faith-insight. Mota is a super philosophical reconciliation of divergent reality perception which is none attainable by material personalities; it is predicated, in part, on the experience of having survived the material life of the flesh. But many mortals have recognized the desirability of having some method of reconciling the interplay between the widely separated domains of science and religion; and metaphysics is the result of man’s unavailing attempt to span this well-recognized chasm. But human metaphysics has proved more confusing than illuminating. Metaphysics stands for man’s well-meant but futile effort to compensate for the absence of the mota of morontia.
103.6.8 Metaphysics has proved a failure; mota, man cannot perceive. Revelation is the only technique which can compensate for the absence of the truth sensitivity of mota in a material world. Revelation authoritatively clarifies the muddle of reason-developed metaphysics on an evolutionary sphere.
103.6.9 Science is man’s attempted study of his physical environment, the world of energymatter; religion is man’s experience with the cosmos of spirit values; philosophy has been developed by man’s mind effort to organize and correlate the findings of these widely separated concepts into something like a reasonable and unified attitude toward the cosmos. Philosophy, clarified by revelation, functions acceptably in the absence of mota and in the presence of the breakdown and failure of man’s reason substitute for mota – metaphysics.
103.6.10 early man did not differentiate between the energy level and the spirit level. It was the violet race and their Andite successors who first attempted to divorce the mathematical from the volitional. Increasingly has civilized man followed in the footsteps of the earliest Greeks and the Sumerians who distinguished between the inanimate and the animate? And as civilization progresses, philosophy will have to bridge ever-widening gulfs between the spirit concept and the energy concept. But in the time of space these divergences are at one in the Supreme.
103.6.11 Science must always be grounded in reason, although imagination and conjecture are helpful in the extension of its borders. Religion is forever dependent on faith, albeit reason is a stabilizing influence and a helpful handmaid. And always there have been, and ever will be, misleading interpretations of the phenomena of both the natural and the spiritual worlds, sciences and religions falsely so called.
103.6.12 Out of his incomplete grasp of science, his faint hold upon religion, and his abortive attempts at metaphysics, man has attempted to construct his formulations of philosophy. And modern man would indeed build a worthy and engaging philosophy of himself and his universe were it not for the breakdown of his all-important and indispensable metaphysical connection between the worlds of matter and spirit, the failure of metaphysics to bridge the morontia gulf between the physical and the spiritual. Mortal man lacks the concept of morontia mind and material; and revelation is the only technique for
atoning for this deficiency in the conceptual data which man so urgently needs in order to construct a logical philosophy of the universe and to arrive at a satisfying understanding of his sure and settled place in that universe.
103.6.13 Revelation is evolutionary man’s only hope of bridging the morontia gulf. Faith and reason, unaided by mota, cannot conceive and construct a logical universe. Without the insight of mota, mortal man cannot discern goodness, love, and truth in the phenomena of the material world.
103.6.14 when the philosophy of man leans heavily toward the world of matter, it becomes rationalistic or naturalistic. When philosophy inclines particularly toward the spiritual level, it becomes idealistic or even mystical. When philosophy is so unfortunate as to lean upon metaphysics, it unfailingly becomes skeptical, confused. In past ages, most of man’s knowledge and intellectual evaluations have fallen into one of these three distortions of perception. Philosophy dare not project its interpretations of reality in the linear fashion of logic; it must never fail to reckon with the elliptic symmetry of reality and with the essential curvature of all relation concepts.
103.6.15 the highest attainable philosophy of mortal man must be logically based on the reason of science, the faith of religion, and the truth insight afforded by revelation. By this union man can compensate somewhat for his failure to develop an adequate metaphysics and for his inability to comprehend the mota of the morontia.
7. Science and Religion
103.7.1 Science is sustained by reason, religion by faith. Faith, though not predicated on reason, is reasonable; though independent of logic, it is nonetheless encouraged by sound logic. Faith cannot be nourished even by an ideal philosophy; indeed, it is, with science, the very source of such a philosophy. Faith, human religious insight, can be surely instructed only by revelation, can be surely elevated only by personal mortal experience with the spiritual Adjuster presence of the God who is spirit.
103.7.2 True salvation is the technique of the divine evolution of the mortal mind from matter identification through the realms of morontia liaison to the high universe status of spiritual correlation. And as material intuitive instinct precedes the appearance of reasoned knowledge in terrestrial evolution, so does the manifestation of spiritual intuitive insight presage the later appearance of morontia and spirit reason and experience in the supernal program of celestial evolution, the business of transmuting the potentials of man the temporal into the actuality and divinity of man the eternal, a Paradise finalizer.
103.7.3 But as ascending man reaches inward and Paradise ward for the God experience, he will likewise be reaching outward and spaceward for an energy understanding of the material cosmos. The progression of science is not limited to the terrestrial life of man; his universe and super universe ascension experience will to no small degree be the study of energy transmutation and material metamorphosis. God is spirit, but Deity is unity, and the unity of Deity not only embraces the spiritual values of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son but is also cognizant of the energy facts of the Universal Controller and the Isle of Paradise, while these two phases of universal reality are perfectly correlated in the mind relationships of the Conjoint Actor and unified on the finite level in the emerging Deity of the Supreme Being.
195.10.16 the great hope of Urantia lies in the possibility of a new revelation of Jesus with a new and enlarged presentation of his saving message which would spiritually unite in loving service the numerous families of his present-day professed followers.
195.10.17 even secular education could help in this great spiritual renaissance if it would pay more attention to the work of teaching youth how to engage in life planning and character progression. The purpose of all education should be to foster and further the supreme purpose of life, the development of a majestic and well-balanced personality. There is great need for the teaching of moral discipline in the place of so much self-gratification. Upon such a foundation religion may contribute its spiritual incentive to the enlargement and enrichment of mortal life, even to the security and enhancement of life eternal.
195.10.18 Christianity is an extemporized religion, and therefore must it operate in low gear. High-gear spiritual performances must await the new revelation and the more general acceptance of the real religion of Jesus. But Christianity is a mighty religion, seeing that the commonplace disciples of a crucified carpenter set in motion those teachings which conquered the Roman world in three hundred years and then went on to triumph over the barbarians who overthrew Rome. This same Christianity conquered – absorbed and exalted – the whole stream of Hebrew theology and Greek philosophy. And then, when this Christian religion became comatose for more than a thousand years as a result of an overdose of mysteries and paganism, it resurrected itself and virtually reconquered the whole Western world. Christianity contains enough of Jesus’ teachings to immortalize it.
195.10.19 If Christianity could only grasp more of Jesus’ teachings, it could do so much more in helping modern man to solve his new and increasingly complex problems.
195.10.20 Christianity suffers under a great handicap because it has become identified in the minds of all the world as a part of the social system, the industrial life, and the moral standards of Western civilization; and thus has Christianity unwittingly seemed to sponsor a society which staggers under the guilt of tolerating science without idealism, politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without restraint, knowledge without character, power without conscience, and industry without morality.
195.10.21 The hope of modern Christianity is that it should cease to sponsor the social systems and industrial policies of Western civilization while it humbly bows itself before the cross it so valiantly extols, there to learn anew from Jesus of Nazareth the greatest truths mortal man can ever hear –the living gospel of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.”
My hope is that with these excerpts of the Urantia Book your curiosity might be sparked into searching these things out and allowing that “Indwelling Thought Adjuster” to guide you “ in order to construct a logical philosophy of the universe and to arrive at a satisfying understanding of your sure and settled place in that universe.”
The following site will guide you through a better understanding of the Urantia Book. http://truthbook.com/urantia-book/urantia-book-introduction http://evolvingsouls.org/urantia-revelation/
These other sites will connect you to blogs and community group discussions and up to date revelations called “correcting time”, and how we can get involved in the mission of raising
the planetary consciousness awareness. http://www.tmarchives.com/ http://www.eventtemples.com/
Take a look at this video and see what our Master Universe might look like http://youtu.be/9CkbbohKDoY
I’m truly blessed to have been lead to these amazing revelations and to have had the privilege of sharing them with all of you. My mission is to help you discover how to live more abundantly...
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Part I. Look and See What I found down the rabbit hole
This post is to follow up on the last post I had written, How far are you willing to go down the rabbit hole? Month’s ago. I had challenge those of you that where interested in finding the answers to the reason why most of us, in fact all of us are here.
In truth I had myself began this process, because deep inside I felt that if I was to ask anyone to do this I had to lead by example. But however I soon realized that I would be challenging my own belief systems and my personal “Biblical World View,” and that my own understanding of the “Big Picture” might be shattered. How many of us who have built careers based on belief systems would be willing to challenge those beliefs and adjust those beliefs or discard them if proven untrue? This is the current state of affairs for many in religion and in science departments in great prestigious universities and fraternities; an unwillingness to go against the status quo and not jeopardize their careers by rocking the boat. Good for me that this only meant believing in the wrong belief system and to have been willing to give my life for it in the last twenty seven years of my life.
I had already understood by all my research and understanding about the processes of the unconscious or subconscious mind that what this really meant was, that I had to go deep inside myself, and go through my own door, out to where I could find all the answers I could ever have to everything in existence. In short the rabbit whole leads you to the doorway of your own mind. This a choice that is beautifully illustrated by the allegorical movie, the “Matrix,” when Morpheus offers Neo the choice of the two pills. The green pill would have him wake up back in the dream world “the Matrix”, and the red pill would help him wake up and be disconnected from the collective incubator that was using him as a battery of electricity. This is why this movie is allegorical, because it contains a hidden truth, and much of the real reality behind what we perceive as real by way of our physical five senses. We are electromagnetic in nature just as a huge battery. Where do we get the electrical charge from? From the electrically charged atmosphere coming down from the sun rays and mother earth that is also a gigantic battery; but most importantly, because we are light beings in our core essence. Meditate on this saying, “AS ABOVE, so below; as below, SO ABOVE.”
This decision also meant, that I might have to alter or completely throw away what I had written and offered here in the blog called “God’s Grand Master Plan: Spiritual Development and Growth Program.” So I went down the rabbit hole, and through the door and one of the first knowledge’s I discovered was “Quantum Physics.” I had always believed and understood that science could not be the enemy of Divinity if it was truly on its task of searching for proof of what already existed; and this is precisely what I found when I became familiar with the quantum field discoveries.
In the “double slit experiment” they basically discovered that “the observer” ( by the way everything in bold black are key search words to find more info on in the web) had the effect of collapsing the particle wave function, and making the particle appear exactly where the observer expected it to appear. When he wasn’t looking the particle behaved as a wave, but when he observed it behaved as a particle in one place as expected. If you want to go on and search for this experiment and get familiar with it, you can then come back and continue reading.
All this emphasizes the power that has been given to you, and I as “the observers.” Second most important thing I found was that at the basement level of creation known as “the plank field” everything exists as “an ocean of infinite particle wave functions.” In short that everything down there exists as infinite possibilities. Wow! This to me was revolutionary, all kinds of bells went off in my head; Because, what this was saying is the same as what Jesus had said more than two thousand years ago recorded in scriptures, (Mark 9:23) “Everything is possible for him who believes.” And in Mathew 17: 20 he also said, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as a small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Now the hard questions for me were; did I truly believe that nothing is impossible? And if so, how far I was willing to believe and set my own limitations? I decided to do my best to extend them or unfold them towards infinity. I decided to search out under every rock possible in my own experience, in search of truth, and understanding, of what this whole experience called life was all about.
What was really happening in my own experience was, that what I had believed on faith value was now being validated by scientific discovery. The substance of what I had hoped for and the certainty of what I had been waiting for was finally materializing in my own mental understanding. I started to understand that what this science is calling “Holographic Universe” is a collective reality that we are all actualizing based on what we all individually perceive to be true. This is the perceived universe as we are experiencing it. But in truth we are all tuned to the same frequency band and as “light beings” all our cells are vibrating at this frequency range that is manifesting this level of conscious experience. You see, at the core of who we really are is waves of energy vibrating and manifesting at a certain frequency range. I hope I didn’t lose any of you with this last statement.
Please bear with me, and I’ll do my best to explain and stick to simplicity.
Looking at different explanations and viewpoints related to quantum physics I came across a few books that I will share in Part II, and Gregg Braden’s teachings on “the Divine Matrix” which gives a clear, practical, and doable understanding on how we can speak the language of the Divine connecting the quantum world with our experiences. He basically discovered that by connecting thought to emotions and then adding strong feelings in the hearts intention, you would actualize that possibility into your experience. The catch is that that intention has to be good for you and all others based on love. This is related to what most Christians read in James 4:3 (NIV) that says “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” So what is asking for the right motives? Asking for that which is based on unconditional love; that which is good for you as well as what is good for all others. So then, we can say: that what the language of the “Divine Matrix” understands, is that which expresses the best intentions for humanity as a whole. Why, because we are all connected to the same consciousness by way of the same Spirit, and love light energy; that flows through everything.
Now, there is also a negative flow of energy. AND MOST OF HUMANITY IS IGNORANTLY FLOWING THIS WAY. This is known as “polarity consciousness.” Please do research this out. All of us have been born into this reality based on this polarity consciousness. Most of us Christians and religious people understand this as “the fall of humanity” or “human depravity” bought on us by the sin or rebellion that our first parents Adam and Eve brought about in the Garden of Eden. This choice in turn created an alternative reality that is not based on the “true principle of life” but on a created illusion reality (hologram) we all call "Life" or "The Human Experience", and in truth created this dual knowledge or wisdom of good and evil. The challenge for me and you, has always been to choose between good and evil, and by choosing goodness and following it we will discover “the true principle of life”, “the tree of life” and escape this illusion reality. And the way to escape it is through the doorway of your own mind.
That is why Jesus always said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” He also said, “Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Mathew 7:7, 8 (NIV) this is why Jesus also said; “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NIV) Because He is behind the doorway in our hearts!
So then if we don’t look inside ourselves to find the doorway out into “the true principle of being” then we will continue down the illusionary path of dualism which clearly says we are separate entities from the source creator and from each other, everyone is on his own to do the battle of the fittest. If we buy into this mentality or the world continues down this path, more killings and atrocities will continue to occur until the appointed time in which all the religions of the world have been waiting for.
Yes, there will be a graduation day, a golden time, an Age of Aquarius, a millennial kingdom consummating in a new heaven and a new earth. But it is more apparent to me now that it will occur at a higher level of dimensional shift and higher frequency of vibration. And sadly those that continue down the negative path of polarity and dualistic reality will end up in a chaotic world and a self- imposed doomed fate. Why? Because of the universal law of free will we are all free to choose our own individual paths; and right now we have two possible outcomes (because of this dual choice of direction) with many variations in degrees. Many possible time lines, but essentially two end results; basically because this bubble of illusion has a limited time span. If you don’t agree, then search this out yourself. The scientific predictions of this planet’s future are not optimistic but fatalistic; and if you look into all spiritual faiths you will find that they all basically agree. The beauty in all of this is precisely that all faith traditions agree in an optimistic wonderful future for all of those that believe, discover unconditional love, and have respect of freedom of the will of an individual to choose how he or she decides to live out their human experience. This is in summery what all faith traditions want to teach us because these are the final conditions for all of us to graduate into the next level of experience. These are the basic teachings that all our Prophets, sages, wise men of all ages wanted us to internalize and practice, because they had understood that these essential principles are the building blocks of any healthy experience. If you strip away all the complexities of religion, philosophy and even science you will arrive at these core fundamental beliefs. The choice is now up to us.
I want to end this Part I with this quote borrowed from “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” volume 2, written by Drunvalo Melchizedek, page 455.
Life Is Great
“We live in a world that exists only in the mind of God. It is only light. Using sacred geometry, Mother/Father spirit of life has created a universe of light for us to play in and love each other. We are the children of God. Great Spirit expresses through each one of us and speaks of worlds of consciousness far above the ordinary life of humanity. We hold within us a potential so great that if all the adjectives in the dictionary were compressed into one word, it would still not fully describe the innate greatness shinning out of the eyes of a single ordinary, everyday child.
You have a choice. You can continue to live from the normal human perspective, where the only reason for being alive is to become comfortable through material things or to gain control over other human beings through force-or realize that the outer world is not something you appropriate, but rather an opportunity to express joy and love in your life. The outer world and the inner world are one.
Breathe deeply the pure life force into your glowing chakras and let your Mer-Ka-Ba live. Open your heart fearlessly to the unknown and look into the eyes of God in each person who stands before you. It is all so simple.
I love you. Drunvalo”
Beautifully expressed words, this is where my personal Journey down the rabbit hole has taken me. To have discovered Drunvalo’s work and teachings as he has received them and to realize yet an alternative spiritual path way towards that very same door that leads from the inner world towards the outer world. For all of you brothers wondering about what he says in the last paragraph it is related to other knowledge’s that I will provide more information in Part II. Look and See What I found down the rabbit holein the tabs menu.
And for all my Christian brothers and sisters I say this; “These are the things you are to do: Speak truth to each other, and render true sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this, declares the Lord.” Zechariah 8: 16, 17 (NIV)
“DO NOT judge, or you to will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Mathew 7: 1, 2 (NIV)
“’Teacher,’ said John, ‘we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.’ ‘Do not stop him,’ Jesus said. ‘No one who does miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. I tell you the truth; anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.’” Mark 9:38-41(NIV)
Please brothers do not judge anything before due time; especially on matters that you don’t truly understand. This is why I will do my best to offer all the links and resources I found in my journeying in Part II and I will also offer you my own understanding as to what I believe is what I call “The Universal Big Picture” and my new expanded “Universal Biblical World View.” Take a look at this video and see what our universe might look like http://youtu.be/9CkbbohKDoY
But again this is only from my own gained understanding and perspective. Yes!!! All this journeying has greatly solidified my faith in what the Holy Scriptures say as well as where we are all heading. My hope is just to inspire and influence you to continue to discover and to live more abundantly…
In truth I had myself began this process, because deep inside I felt that if I was to ask anyone to do this I had to lead by example. But however I soon realized that I would be challenging my own belief systems and my personal “Biblical World View,” and that my own understanding of the “Big Picture” might be shattered. How many of us who have built careers based on belief systems would be willing to challenge those beliefs and adjust those beliefs or discard them if proven untrue? This is the current state of affairs for many in religion and in science departments in great prestigious universities and fraternities; an unwillingness to go against the status quo and not jeopardize their careers by rocking the boat. Good for me that this only meant believing in the wrong belief system and to have been willing to give my life for it in the last twenty seven years of my life.
I had already understood by all my research and understanding about the processes of the unconscious or subconscious mind that what this really meant was, that I had to go deep inside myself, and go through my own door, out to where I could find all the answers I could ever have to everything in existence. In short the rabbit whole leads you to the doorway of your own mind. This a choice that is beautifully illustrated by the allegorical movie, the “Matrix,” when Morpheus offers Neo the choice of the two pills. The green pill would have him wake up back in the dream world “the Matrix”, and the red pill would help him wake up and be disconnected from the collective incubator that was using him as a battery of electricity. This is why this movie is allegorical, because it contains a hidden truth, and much of the real reality behind what we perceive as real by way of our physical five senses. We are electromagnetic in nature just as a huge battery. Where do we get the electrical charge from? From the electrically charged atmosphere coming down from the sun rays and mother earth that is also a gigantic battery; but most importantly, because we are light beings in our core essence. Meditate on this saying, “AS ABOVE, so below; as below, SO ABOVE.”
This decision also meant, that I might have to alter or completely throw away what I had written and offered here in the blog called “God’s Grand Master Plan: Spiritual Development and Growth Program.” So I went down the rabbit hole, and through the door and one of the first knowledge’s I discovered was “Quantum Physics.” I had always believed and understood that science could not be the enemy of Divinity if it was truly on its task of searching for proof of what already existed; and this is precisely what I found when I became familiar with the quantum field discoveries.
In the “double slit experiment” they basically discovered that “the observer” ( by the way everything in bold black are key search words to find more info on in the web) had the effect of collapsing the particle wave function, and making the particle appear exactly where the observer expected it to appear. When he wasn’t looking the particle behaved as a wave, but when he observed it behaved as a particle in one place as expected. If you want to go on and search for this experiment and get familiar with it, you can then come back and continue reading.
All this emphasizes the power that has been given to you, and I as “the observers.” Second most important thing I found was that at the basement level of creation known as “the plank field” everything exists as “an ocean of infinite particle wave functions.” In short that everything down there exists as infinite possibilities. Wow! This to me was revolutionary, all kinds of bells went off in my head; Because, what this was saying is the same as what Jesus had said more than two thousand years ago recorded in scriptures, (Mark 9:23) “Everything is possible for him who believes.” And in Mathew 17: 20 he also said, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as a small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Now the hard questions for me were; did I truly believe that nothing is impossible? And if so, how far I was willing to believe and set my own limitations? I decided to do my best to extend them or unfold them towards infinity. I decided to search out under every rock possible in my own experience, in search of truth, and understanding, of what this whole experience called life was all about.
What was really happening in my own experience was, that what I had believed on faith value was now being validated by scientific discovery. The substance of what I had hoped for and the certainty of what I had been waiting for was finally materializing in my own mental understanding. I started to understand that what this science is calling “Holographic Universe” is a collective reality that we are all actualizing based on what we all individually perceive to be true. This is the perceived universe as we are experiencing it. But in truth we are all tuned to the same frequency band and as “light beings” all our cells are vibrating at this frequency range that is manifesting this level of conscious experience. You see, at the core of who we really are is waves of energy vibrating and manifesting at a certain frequency range. I hope I didn’t lose any of you with this last statement.
Please bear with me, and I’ll do my best to explain and stick to simplicity.
Looking at different explanations and viewpoints related to quantum physics I came across a few books that I will share in Part II, and Gregg Braden’s teachings on “the Divine Matrix” which gives a clear, practical, and doable understanding on how we can speak the language of the Divine connecting the quantum world with our experiences. He basically discovered that by connecting thought to emotions and then adding strong feelings in the hearts intention, you would actualize that possibility into your experience. The catch is that that intention has to be good for you and all others based on love. This is related to what most Christians read in James 4:3 (NIV) that says “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” So what is asking for the right motives? Asking for that which is based on unconditional love; that which is good for you as well as what is good for all others. So then, we can say: that what the language of the “Divine Matrix” understands, is that which expresses the best intentions for humanity as a whole. Why, because we are all connected to the same consciousness by way of the same Spirit, and love light energy; that flows through everything.
Now, there is also a negative flow of energy. AND MOST OF HUMANITY IS IGNORANTLY FLOWING THIS WAY. This is known as “polarity consciousness.” Please do research this out. All of us have been born into this reality based on this polarity consciousness. Most of us Christians and religious people understand this as “the fall of humanity” or “human depravity” bought on us by the sin or rebellion that our first parents Adam and Eve brought about in the Garden of Eden. This choice in turn created an alternative reality that is not based on the “true principle of life” but on a created illusion reality (hologram) we all call "Life" or "The Human Experience", and in truth created this dual knowledge or wisdom of good and evil. The challenge for me and you, has always been to choose between good and evil, and by choosing goodness and following it we will discover “the true principle of life”, “the tree of life” and escape this illusion reality. And the way to escape it is through the doorway of your own mind.
That is why Jesus always said, “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” He also said, “Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Mathew 7:7, 8 (NIV) this is why Jesus also said; “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NIV) Because He is behind the doorway in our hearts!
So then if we don’t look inside ourselves to find the doorway out into “the true principle of being” then we will continue down the illusionary path of dualism which clearly says we are separate entities from the source creator and from each other, everyone is on his own to do the battle of the fittest. If we buy into this mentality or the world continues down this path, more killings and atrocities will continue to occur until the appointed time in which all the religions of the world have been waiting for.
Yes, there will be a graduation day, a golden time, an Age of Aquarius, a millennial kingdom consummating in a new heaven and a new earth. But it is more apparent to me now that it will occur at a higher level of dimensional shift and higher frequency of vibration. And sadly those that continue down the negative path of polarity and dualistic reality will end up in a chaotic world and a self- imposed doomed fate. Why? Because of the universal law of free will we are all free to choose our own individual paths; and right now we have two possible outcomes (because of this dual choice of direction) with many variations in degrees. Many possible time lines, but essentially two end results; basically because this bubble of illusion has a limited time span. If you don’t agree, then search this out yourself. The scientific predictions of this planet’s future are not optimistic but fatalistic; and if you look into all spiritual faiths you will find that they all basically agree. The beauty in all of this is precisely that all faith traditions agree in an optimistic wonderful future for all of those that believe, discover unconditional love, and have respect of freedom of the will of an individual to choose how he or she decides to live out their human experience. This is in summery what all faith traditions want to teach us because these are the final conditions for all of us to graduate into the next level of experience. These are the basic teachings that all our Prophets, sages, wise men of all ages wanted us to internalize and practice, because they had understood that these essential principles are the building blocks of any healthy experience. If you strip away all the complexities of religion, philosophy and even science you will arrive at these core fundamental beliefs. The choice is now up to us.
I want to end this Part I with this quote borrowed from “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” volume 2, written by Drunvalo Melchizedek, page 455.
Life Is Great
“We live in a world that exists only in the mind of God. It is only light. Using sacred geometry, Mother/Father spirit of life has created a universe of light for us to play in and love each other. We are the children of God. Great Spirit expresses through each one of us and speaks of worlds of consciousness far above the ordinary life of humanity. We hold within us a potential so great that if all the adjectives in the dictionary were compressed into one word, it would still not fully describe the innate greatness shinning out of the eyes of a single ordinary, everyday child.
You have a choice. You can continue to live from the normal human perspective, where the only reason for being alive is to become comfortable through material things or to gain control over other human beings through force-or realize that the outer world is not something you appropriate, but rather an opportunity to express joy and love in your life. The outer world and the inner world are one.
Breathe deeply the pure life force into your glowing chakras and let your Mer-Ka-Ba live. Open your heart fearlessly to the unknown and look into the eyes of God in each person who stands before you. It is all so simple.
I love you. Drunvalo”
Beautifully expressed words, this is where my personal Journey down the rabbit hole has taken me. To have discovered Drunvalo’s work and teachings as he has received them and to realize yet an alternative spiritual path way towards that very same door that leads from the inner world towards the outer world. For all of you brothers wondering about what he says in the last paragraph it is related to other knowledge’s that I will provide more information in Part II. Look and See What I found down the rabbit holein the tabs menu.
And for all my Christian brothers and sisters I say this; “These are the things you are to do: Speak truth to each other, and render true sound judgment in your courts; do not plot evil against your neighbor, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this, declares the Lord.” Zechariah 8: 16, 17 (NIV)
“DO NOT judge, or you to will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Mathew 7: 1, 2 (NIV)
“’Teacher,’ said John, ‘we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.’ ‘Do not stop him,’ Jesus said. ‘No one who does miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. I tell you the truth; anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.’” Mark 9:38-41(NIV)
Please brothers do not judge anything before due time; especially on matters that you don’t truly understand. This is why I will do my best to offer all the links and resources I found in my journeying in Part II and I will also offer you my own understanding as to what I believe is what I call “The Universal Big Picture” and my new expanded “Universal Biblical World View.” Take a look at this video and see what our universe might look like http://youtu.be/9CkbbohKDoY
But again this is only from my own gained understanding and perspective. Yes!!! All this journeying has greatly solidified my faith in what the Holy Scriptures say as well as where we are all heading. My hope is just to inspire and influence you to continue to discover and to live more abundantly…
Friday, July 22, 2016
"Being an Open Book Seen And Read By Everyone!"
Blessings to you all, family and friends. I have postponed speaking from the heart for a long while but I guess this is the most crucial time to do this. In my first church of 138st Church of God, Bronx NY., Pastor Vasquez first taught me about twenty eight years ago to always be like an open book, seen and read by everyone. In other words, our life should always be open, nothing to hide. So I have not hid what I have been engaged in for the last two years. After writing my work, God’s Grand Master Plan: Spiritual and Development Program (Note: all high lighted words or phrases are search words for further research), in both Spanish and English which I offered and shared freely to most of you which by the way hardly any one showed interest or support, I went on to develop my Blog “Life Experience Academy” Which once again hardly anyone I know cared to even look at. But once I decided to go and discover “The Ocean of Infinite Possibilities” as Quantum Physics was showing me, I decided to overturn all writings and teachings of this world and beyond in our Cosmos that would lead me to confirm that the same Universal Heavenly Father, Creator God, and His Son Jesus where also the creator and son of everything known in our universe.
Blessings to you all, family and friends. I have postponed speaking from the heart for a long while but I guess this is the most crucial time to do this. In my first church of 138st Church of God, Bronx NY., Pastor Vasquez first taught me about twenty eight years ago to always be like an open book, seen and read by everyone. In other words, our life should always be open, nothing to hide. So I have not hid what I have been engaged in for the last two years. After writing my work, God’s Grand Master Plan: Spiritual and Development Program (Note: all high lighted words or phrases are search words for further research), in both Spanish and English which I offered and shared freely to most of you which by the way hardly any one showed interest or support, I went on to develop my Blog “Life Experience Academy” Which once again hardly anyone I know cared to even look at. But once I decided to go and discover “The Ocean of Infinite Possibilities” as Quantum Physics was showing me, I decided to overturn all writings and teachings of this world and beyond in our Cosmos that would lead me to confirm that the same Universal Heavenly Father, Creator God, and His Son Jesus where also the creator and son of everything known in our universe.
Once I ventured to do this and started to discover profound truths and to share them with the closest family and friends, I started to be labeled a “False Teacher”, “Heretic”, Apostate”, and “Blasphemer”. Why? Because I dared to ask! Because I dared to go after my own truth and convince myself that what I had been indoctrinated first by the US Army, and then by the Pentecostal systems of belief and established doctrine had taught me to accept as written in stone and out of question. Yes, and all this without I teaching none of this from any pulpit but just sharing information I was discovering and sifting through it separating truth that complemented itself from that which did not. All along respecting each ones individual right to choose for themselves. As I discovered the Universal Law of free will and Prime directive “of none intervention” from higher more advanced beings from interfering with an evolving planetary race. These laws where established by our Creator God, whom most of us call Heavenly Father.
These are very important and well respected laws that keep even the negative beings we consider demons in check. All this to stress the point that if the Company of Heavenly Beings such as Arch Angels and “Christ Jesus” himself honor and uphold these fundamental laws why and how do we humans dare to judge and label one another. And what is most distressing is when family and friends we consider brother and sisters in the faith and
creation do this to us without even blinking twice to think about what they are writing and commenting here in Facebook and then gossiping one with another. Please, family and friends before you would venture into this visit my blog or ask me to share with you all I have researched into, a wide range of subjects which all contribute to the greater good of all humanity and helps me put together this “Master Universal Big Picture” to help all of us understand what Creation is all about and what is our individual and collective contribution to all of IT.
creation do this to us without even blinking twice to think about what they are writing and commenting here in Facebook and then gossiping one with another. Please, family and friends before you would venture into this visit my blog or ask me to share with you all I have researched into, a wide range of subjects which all contribute to the greater good of all humanity and helps me put together this “Master Universal Big Picture” to help all of us understand what Creation is all about and what is our individual and collective contribution to all of IT.
Once you have spent the time and effort to do as I have dared to do, I’m more than confident that you would not attack or criticize my efforts but you would join me realizing that this is all about the “ONE” what we Christians know and understand as “The Body Of Christ” and this is truly as IT IS, for our local Universe Creator is known throughout our Universe as “Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon;” Nebadon being our local Universal name. So in truth we are all Christ Michael Aton’s created sons and daughters. We are all indeed part of His Universal Body, this is why “Jesus” said: “I and the Father are One” and “You see Me and You see the Father” and “I and the Father will come and make our abode with you”. So guess what! We are all “One” with them. This is why in our local universe we have a greater teaching Known as: “the Law of One”, because One-ness is truly what this is all about, One Universal Body of Highly Spiritual Beings, that includes us the last evolving HU-mans (Higher Universal man/woman).
So, let me share with all of you that regardless of religious affiliation or beliefs or none beliefs we are all One Creation in this local Universe and this is why we are all coming into the moment in time also called “the Eternal Now moment” we are raising in frequency and vibration along with the Planet, Solar System and the rest of our Universe because what our Heavenly Father Christ Michael Aton and Paradise Father, His Father, First Source and Prime Creator of all that IS, “Creator of all the Creation” have decreed the moment is at hand. Pay attention to Pope Francisco’s visit and announcements because a whole lot of us believe He will initiate “Disclosure” and Jubilee” (Worldwide forgiveness of debt) and will set the domino effect into motion, that will bring about a Paradigm shift, the Golden Age, The Millennial Rule of Christ and now you know that it was never about “Jesus” being the Christ but a son and big brother of all of us that together and collectively form the Body Of Christ our local Universe Creator.
[Let me offer a disclaimer here: I have never been in agreement with what the Roman Catholic Church system and its Pontiffs have stood for in the past. However, there is many inside reports that suggest that Pope Francis has a divine mission to fulfill. The choice to obey and be faithful to that mission is always a matter of free will. If he disappoints us and just offers more hogwash and does not do something radical such as to admit other terrestrial life in our galaxy or the hidden truths locked up under the Vatican, in its twenty something miles underground library, or dissolving the illegal United States Corp. that replaced the Republic of the United States of America and its Constitution; then we can assume he’s still protecting the Vatican’s interest and continuing stranglehold on its faithful.]
So, what was Jesus return all about?, It was about returning the world ruler-ship back to our Father’s Rule and Supervision. By the way, those of you that know what Paul said in his writings about Christ Jesus being given a name above all names, well that name is “Sananda” which means: “One with God.” So please, all of this is for you family and friends to keep in mind and not be confuse with all the disinformation and confusion that our dark brothers also known and referred to as the Illuminati, or Dark Cabal.
(According to “Jesus ” in “A Course in Miracles”: Our Holy function is to forgive and to heal one another restoring each other to all mind, from split mind; And to the “Sonship” , “The Body of Christ” our Eternal Father. The Holy Spirit’s function is to guide us safely across the (rainbow) bridge, from (3d illusion /unreality) split mind- (5d Reality) all mind. Jesus function is to handle logistics if you will and facilitator in bringing all of us together as ONE…
Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exist. Here in lies the peace of God. ..)
Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exist. Here in lies the peace of God. ..)
Yes, as misguided and distorted or confused as they are, never the less they are still our brothers and sisters and we need to pray for their conversion as without them we cannot complete the Body of Christ. At a Soul and Spirit level we are all needed to complete the whole and Oneness that we are as Universal Body, and in truth we are living in the physical body an illusionary state of being-ness sought of in a dream state. This is why the 3rd dimensional experience is called 3d matrix, which is separation and limitation in the school room of earth. This school room is graduating and becoming a “Galactic and Universal Planet of Teaching and Learning” and eventually we will be its “Guardians, Masters, and instructors.” So my brothers and sisters of the “One” get ready for the best is yet to come, as we unfold towards infinity, Love/Light/Life to all that IS part of the “One”…"THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST AND THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST", in the outer space regions already created waiting for its guardians and teachers. This is referring to all of US.
“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”
–A Course in Miracles: ‘Jesus’–
–A Course in Miracles: ‘Jesus’–
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