Dear Family of Light, I fully recommend this book; "Our Cosmic Origin". Written by: Ismael Perez. In this book, he puts together where we come from and where we are returning to. It has taken me more than 10 years and over 25 books to research and put together this knowledge (The Great puzzle of faith). He has done this for humanity in one book. Great respect and admiration for his "service to others."
He talks about the celestial experiments with the beginnings of "Polarity Integration". According to this information, it began in Lyra and lower Orion Constellations. A blending of Masculine lower 4 chakras-oriented beings and Feminine higher chakras-oriented beings, in order to achieve "Polarity Integration". This was partially successful and the cause of our first galactic wars. This experiment ended up in our solar system and will culminate in our planet with us, humanity.
It is what we have been called "Light Workers", to finish this experiment of "Polarity Integration" and "Divine Complement", uniting the upper chakras with the lower, and the left Masculine hemisphere with the right Feminine hemisphere in the middle heart chakra; activating the middle shaft where Kundalini rises. This is what the "molten Cross" represents, and "zero point energy", "The Path Least Travelled" of Christ.
I have also found Our Elder Brother and Planetary Teacher's inspired works, who we know as: "Jesus the Christ". Who guides us in achieving
"Polarity Integration", which necessarily begins with mastery over our own ego mind programming. This work must begin by going within (The Kingdom of Heaven is within), and dealing with the main cause of our disconnection and dysfunction. The subconscious programming and conditioning that has kept us prisoners to our "false self-ego personality" that is mind and male-masculine oriented, disconnected from the high heart and True Self (Soul).
These are some of his inspired and dictated works through his chosen vessels; "A Course in Miracles", Tina Louis Spalding's many Jesus teachings and messages; "A Course of Love" by Merari Perone; "The Christ Letters"; And Gina Lake: "Christ Consciousness Transmissions" and her many books.
All of this material will assist you in having all the knowledge of how our ego mind functions and how we can override this internal subconscious programming, but mastery and integration is an individual responsibilities.
We cannot force this on anyone. Your Soul will prompt you when it is time to start your evolutionary return inward and upward back home to Love.
(Disclaimer: These teachings might be reconsidered by my Christian brothers as the "Doctrine of Devils". However, the True Doctrine of Devils is the way "These Negative Ones" infiltrated all religious systems and faith movements in order to suppress "The Truth that would set us Free". They kept us looking for God's kingdom outside of us and looking up to our material sky to wait for Jesus coming" "The Rapture", which truly means: "Being caught up", and dependent on a clergy or a guru to teach us how to find God or enlightenment. They kept us looking everywhere, except looking within our own inner hearts, where Jesus had said my Father and I will make our abode with you in your heart. Whenever any institution says only look here, it is because they don't want you to find the"Truth" that is always true. God resides within us, and we reside within "ALL That IS", in which we move, live, and have our being. That is the way IT IS!!! GO WITHIN WHERE IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN: HOME-LOVE!!!)