Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How Do I Bring My Finances Under Control, So That I Can Have Peace Of Mind?

How Do I Bring My Finances Under Control, So That I Can Have Peace Of Mind?
This has to be one of the most prevalent questions in people’s minds under the present state of our economy today. My hope is that I can share certain key points containing valuable tips that if taken and implemented with courage, discipline, and genuine determination should bring you out of your rut and into the way of abundance.

First tip: It’s also no secret how the John Cummuta plan gets you out of debt they use what it called the debt snowball plan.  This plan is the simple process of putting your debt in a strategic order to help you pay it off the fastest way possible. Every financial blogger I know has discussed this plan at one point or another, so I’ll just quickly review it for you to help out.
  • List All Debt in Order Form The Lowest To Highest Balance. In this plan you are going pay off the lower debt amounts first because you want to achieve a win as quickly as possible, and paying the lowest amount first will show you that this plan works and can be done. Shared this from another sight here is the link if you want more info
  • Start Paying The Lowest Debt Amount With An Extra Payment.   Once in order start paying the lowest debt first along with a minimum extra payment of $50 or more applied to just that one debt.  This way you can focus on just one debt at a time instead of several all at once.
  • Pay Off The Second Debt. Once you have the first debt paid off apply everything you were paying towards the last debt to the next debt.  So if your first debts minimum payment was $50 and you were applying an extra $50 towards the first debt you would now be paying the second debts minimum balance plus $100 that was being paid on the first debt.
  • Continue The Process Until Debt Free. If you keep applying the extra money over time to the next debt you could be out of debt in a fairly quick amount of time.  But whatever you do don’t spend the money on something else keep it going towards the plan.
  • Build Your Emergency Fund. Now that all of your debt is paid off you need to put an emergency fund in place to prevent you from falling back into the position you came from.  Figure out what one month of expenses cost you and times that by six.  This will be how much money you need to save for your six month emergency fund.  To do this set up an emergency fund now
And there you have it the John Cummuta’s Debt Elimination Plan.  I know I’ve skimmed through this process fairly quickly so feel free to leave a comment if you have a question.

Second Tip: By looking into what I call “trimming the fat”- I believe, I learned this technique from reading John Cammutta’s program years ago. I applied this and it worked for me that’s why I’ll recommend it for you as well. This is how you do it. Look into all the insurances you have. Review each one in detail until you understand the small print and all.
For example, if you look into your car insurance, many times you’ll find that you’re paying for options you didn’t even know were there and paying for it; Such as, for towing or car rental, etc. You may have paid off your car, and you may be paying expensive full coverage. This is a good one. How about when buying a new car and all the extras from the dealership they add on to your purchase price. They will add to you all the services guarantee that they can because there is where they make the real money.

I bought some things from Radio Shack the other day, and was asked if I wanted to insure those items. Notice, this is where they make extra money. The same goes for whole life insurance. If you calculate the money component and the interest you’re getting is just about the same percent that the bank would give you, but they, the insurance company will use your money to invest in, they can make 15% AND GIVE ONLY 3% return, not fare right. You would be better off separating the savings and putting it into a tax differed Roth Ira and getting just pure term life insurance.
This is why I will recommend that we all get “financially educated” as Robert Kiyosaki keeps preaching about through his books. Now, why do we allow the bankers and Wall Street get even richer with our money? My own opinion is because most of us are too worn out to even care, right; or, we are too lazy to take charge of our own money. I think you all get the point, but don’t get mad at me, get mad at yourself; and do the right thing. And what’s the right thing? Take charge of your own money.

Third tip: By becoming financially educated – Now, think about this, why is it that in the wealthiest nation in the world, with one of the best education system in the world, we are not taught real financial education. And get me straight, I’m talking about practical real life knowledge to teach us how to become financially independent and eventually becoming business owners and entrepreneurs. As Wallace D. Wattles taught in his book “The Science of Getting Rich”, how to rise from the competitive plane to the creative plane.

Let me share with you a quote from Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules OF Money” Published by Business Plus, New York, NY, 2009, page 32. “Why Money IS Not Taught in School: The purpose of the foundation [the General Education Board] was to use the power of money, not to raise the level of education in America, as was widely believed at the time, but to influence the direction of that education…The object was to use the classroom to teach attitudes that encourage people to be passive and submissive to their rulers. The goal was-and is-to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or seek to rise above their class. True education was to be restricted to the sons and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life.”G. Edward Griffin in the Creature from Jekyll Island, on Rockefeller’s General Board, founded in 1903.

And for those of you that might already be thinking “conspiracy theory”, Google this and check out the history of what occurred in that historic date. There you have it in black and white, I hope you get angry and initiate a sequence of causation for your own good. I could go even deeper but this is not my intention at this time. Get financially educated and you will have a better peace of mind. I greatly recommend this book to begin to educate your-self in other important historical facts that most of us are not aware of, such as when President Nixon on August 15, 1971, without authorization of congress, severed the U.S. dollar from the gold standard, and the dollar became monopoly money. This is why we ended up in the financial mess we are in and The Fed’s just keep pumping this paper called money creating the biggest Ponzi scheme in American history, and in the world. I just hope some of you would follow up with research; just don’t take our word for it, prove it true for your-self. You owe that much, to your-self, and your families.

Fourth tip: By becoming acquainted with the power of your imagination
I will share with you a quote from Napoleon Hill’s best seller, “Think and Grow Rich” Published by Tribeca Books, USA, pages 82, 83. I will provide a YouTube Audio link where you can listen to the narration of this whole classic http://youtu.be/O6w6YNNe1eA .
“Whoever you are, wherever you may live, whatever occupation you may be engaged in, just remember in the future, every time you see the word’s ‘Coca-Cola,’ that its vast empire of wealth and influence grew out of a single IDEA, and that the mysterious ingredient the drug clerk-Asa Candler-mixed with the secret formula was..IMAGINATION!
Stop and think of that, for a moment. Remember, also, that the thirteen steps to riches, described in this book, were the media through which the influence of Coca-Cola has been extended to every city, town, village, and cross-roads of the world, and that ANY IDEA you may create, as 80Ufld and meritorious as Coca-Cola, has the possibility of duplicating the stupendous record of this world-wide thirst-killer.Truly, thoughts are things, and their scope of operation is the world, itself.”

I’m a living witness to great men as Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Wallace D. Wattles, James Allen, and others, but most of all, My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His apostles for the immense influence they have all had in me. I’m greatly indebted and can only make them justice by having their heart of service towards the good of all mankind. “…Therefore, I have come as one to serve.” I have learned a little from all of them, and the one constant teaching is the same, that you and I would take control of our thoughts as free thinkers with freedom to chose, and would learn the discipline of tapping into our creative imagination which is “the work-shop of the soul.” There you can craft your own career, business, or empire. However, they would all tell you; “All ways, live, according to the golden rule:” “Do unto others, as you would want them to do unto you.”

Fifth tip: Change your environment and develop your genius
Robert T. Kiyosaki wrote in his book, “Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money” Business Plus Hachette Book Group, New York, NY, 2008, pages 186-187. “If you want to become richer, it is important to continually upgrade your environment. This is why I shake my head every time some expert recommends living below your means. By living below your means you continually live in lesser environment. As a young boy, every time I crossed the bridge to my rich friend’s neighborhood, my brain was absorbing what it is like to live at a higher standard of living…a standard I wanted to live at. My brain was looking for ways I could achieve such standard of living.
This does not mean running out and buying a big house, flashy cars, new clothes, and getting into piles of bad debt. What I mean is to consciously and intelligently challenge yourself to improve your standard of living by increasing your financial intelligence.
The best way to increase your financial intelligence is by first finding the environment where your genius can grow and develop. That can be as simple as going to a library and reading a book by a person you want to be like, or by looking at magazines with pictures of stately homes. The first step is to consciously begin to stimulate your mirror neurons to the standard of living and the people you want to be like.” I also recommend this book in that process of becoming financially educated.

These activities associated with changing your environment where your genius can grow and develop is what you bring into “the workshop of your mind” to craft your desires into spiritual form, and after you have finished molding this desire, you present it to God (infinite intelligence), with faith and expectancy. Once He receives it, He goes into activating the natural laws of nature: to work into bringing your desire, into its physical visible equivalent. But as I wrote in previous blogs, you have to become your own guardian of the subconscious, so that you don’t allow negative, indecisive, doubting thoughts to descend into your subconscious and nullify or cancel that desire presented to the divine, which He had started creating to bring into physical form. This is exactly where we fail, by becoming inpatient: we never see our desires come into life. Just make sure of this one important rule: Whatever you desire to be created has to be for more life and increase for all; not just for you. Wallace D. Wattles put it this way, “More for all, less for none.” Great golden nugget isn’t it? I want to invite you to visit my Web-blog and join us in “the mining for gold process” you will find out what this means as you read through the other posts.

Six Tip: Get right with Him first, God, and all these things will be added to you
I want to share a piece of what I recommended in GGMP part III Study #1. You can click the link to YouTube and listen to my reflection here http://youtu.be/t9H3uO0YzZA
Choose one of the following options:
  1. Do you want to be a “fruitful” person, even though you might want to start from the bottom?  Go to www.Findtherightjob.com
  2. Do you want to be “creative” knowing that God gifted you with creativity, be willing to change careers, or reinvent yourself? Visit: www.careerbuilder.com or www.entrepreneur.com
  3. Do you want to be a “visionary”? Go to: www.monster.com or www.retrain.org
  4. Do you want to “be your own boss”? Go to: www.franchise.com
  5. If you want to work from home, go to: www.riviewpedia.com
  6. If you have difficult kids that sometimes drive you crazy, and don’t know how to deal with them, visit: www.growingkids.org or www.difficultchildren.org or type the key words raising difficult kids.
The major reason that I emphasize dealing with these situations is because I, myself, have lived through some of them, and I’m fully aware on how they could polarize you into feelings of anxiety, fear, and worries that will not allow you to make spiritual progress. This is what the scriptures say about these emotions:

“Therefore be humbled under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your anxiety onto Him, for He cares for you.” (1 peter 5:7, 8 MKJV)
“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has torment. He who fears has not been perfected in love.” (1 John 4:18 MKJV)
“So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food and the body more than clothes?” (Mathew 6:25 GW)
“But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you.”(Mathew 6:33 GW)
For all these reasons I recommend that you pursue some of these options or any other similar one so that you can take those first steps towards progress and a resolution of your situation. When you find yourself doing so, then come back and continue these studies, but with a clear head and in full communion to that which pertains to your eternal estate, spiritual health, and intimate relationship with your eternal Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

I want to conclude these tips that will help you develop peace of mind by sharing what Suze Orman wrote in her book, The 9 steps to Financial Freedom: Practical & Spiritual Steps So You Can Stop Worrying Published by Three Rivers Press, New York, NY, 1997-2000, pages 49 and 53.
“You have taken the first step to financial freedom by facing the memories and fears that have kept you from dealing with your money. You have also started to recover the power and strength that enable you to be in control of your money-the money you have now and the money that will come to you.
But going back to the past is in itself not enough to create the future you want. Financial freedom requires not just insights but also actions, and to carry out these actions you must learn about money and how it needs to be treated. True financial freedom is not only having money, but having power over that money as well”
She also shares, “THE FIRST LAW OF FINANCIAL FREEDOM: People first, Then Money”
I hope this blog post blesses you. Please share your comments, insights, and wisdom. “For what I want for myself, I also want for others.” –Golden rule: Jones of Toledo-

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