"Keeping it real" part 3
I am going to be as real as it gets. Most of you that known me since I was about 24 years old, and first started as a Bible Teacher at 138 St Church of God, Bronx, NY, remember Pastor Vasquez always saying we were to live our lives as "Opened Letters." Well, I took that to heart, and ever since have done my best to live my life that way until now.
I know I am not the only one riding what I call "Coney Island's Roller coaster Ride" of emotions, energy, and confusion. The political mess, all kinds of bad people coming through the Border, the innocent people that have already been victims, the atrocities to unborn and born babies killed after birth. All the innocent killings, the wars in the world, and the effects of the pandemic, how can we keep on keeping on like all is ok? All is not ok.
We cannot hide our heads under the ground or behind our religions or churches. The time is now to draw the line in the sand like Jesus did with the people who wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery. Many of us believe he was writing the accuser's sins on the ground to convict them of their own sins. And that is why they all left. We need to see our own sins, and faults, before accusing the world, and others as if we are without faults.
Let us keep it real, and start pointing the finger back at ourselves. Have we exhausted every way possible, to live the "Golden Rule", "Do unto others, as you would want others to do to you." Have we loved God with all our hearts, minds, Souls; and others as our own selves." Jesus told someone, "In these, you fulfill all the laws and the prophets." Do These, and ye shall live." You do not have to be or do like me, and go deep down under, and back. Love all as ONE.
That truly is the
to GOD'S KINGDOM. ONE in Unity, but the difference being in relation to GOD, And in relationship to others.

This is what Jesus and Paul were showing us by, "All are members of the same body of Christ." And so we are. Much more than we know, and understand right now.
A few days I felt energetic, and a few days later exhausted, running on fumes. These are the signs of the times to take our moral, ethical, and spiritual stance for the greater good of all. The dark one's last cards are either a fake alien invasion or a nuclear war between Israel and Iran. But, do not be alarmed about these rumors. God is, and will always be, in control. His word is final.
GOD has decreed: "No more nuclear blasts. No more world wars." "White Hats Intelligence" sources say: "Stock market must collapse, the internet must go dark, for about 10 days. A new 'Quantum Financial System' will come online that will be fair and finally just for all. THE REPUBLIC OF the United States will be restored back to the Constitution, and corruption will be cleaned out for good. "
If you agree with this vision of Christ, the millennium kingdom made manifest. See it, as if you already received it, doubt not, and you will surely have it. Is this not what Jesus said we should pray. Then let's get on with it. Blessings, Family of Light!!!
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