"Keeping it real" part 6
How many of you have heard: "You can create your own reality!". Jesus has said: "You can create your own experience of reality". I can bet, that not many of you have heard these sayings before. This is what "The Law Of Free Will to Choose" gives us. And many of us are unaware of This.
Why would we be kept in the dark about this??? Think and feel your way through this, and it will become obvious.
God's True Reality is One, and our perceived reality (called "Maya" by Hindus: Cosmic Illusion that the World is real) in this lower realm is another.
Let me share a famous quote found in "A COURSE IN MIRACLES".
"That which is REAL, can never be threatened, and that which is unreal does not really exist. Here in lays the peace of GOD." -Jesus-
In this Course, He refers to what we call, "reality", He calls this, "Unreality" or "The Unreal. "
So where does this, our unreality, exists? "In our human minds". Not in God's Mind, but in our own individual minds.
This is what the earth schoolroom of separation experience, offers us: "The evolving souls." Yes, THE ILLUSION OF BEING SEPARATED FROM A LOVING GOD. Something that is totally impossible unless we BELIEVE it inside our own heads. This is the power of choice we hold by the "Law of Free Will". "That nothing shall be impossible for him or her that BELIEVES" "All things are POSSIBLE in Christ which strengthens me."
Please research what Paul said, recorded in Acts 17:19-34, to the wise men and philosophers of Athens, about the inscription dedicated to an "unknown God." From memory and paraphrasing, "Everything was created through Him... In Him, we Live, move, and have our being." That about sums it all up.
Nothing exists outside of IT. We also call It, "THE ALL THAT IS". OR INFINITE CREATOR, ORIGINAL SOURCE. It is known by different names, but the description will always be the same.: "The unknowable, Incomprehensible, and unfathomable." Why? Because, we only exist within, but IT exists in the without and all about Eternity, and forever expanding towards infinity.
I know most of you never heard this perspective before. But, I am not revealing anything that is new knowledge, and that is not recorded somewhere. That is what I am sharing here. The books of Enoch introduce us to spiritual realms and celestial hierarchies. "The Urantia Book," (Urantia being the name of our planet according to this cosmology) talks about all this and more. It is in the public domain.
But, we need to contemplate these things in the Macro Cosmic size in order to understand our own place within the microcosmic creation; the "Mind of God," and how we can as individuals having our own supposed separate human minds, create or accept our own realities as sinners in a fallen state needing to be saved.
You may ask, "Ok, it is all good to know, but, how does this help me right here, and now.?"
In that, you have the co-creative power, to connect your human mind with God's Mind, ask it whatever you need or want, BELIEVING without doubt, that God will grant it to you, and Jesus said, not me: "You will surely have it."
(It all comes down to BELIEF. Dr. Peter Ramos at "The Christian University", told us many times, "You have to learn, then unlearn, and relearn again". The same principle applies to BELIEVING. Your BELIEFS will be challenged by still greater, more accurate Universal BELIEFS.)
Why is it, that we do not always get what we ask?
1. Because we do know not how to properly ask.
2. Because we doubt. When we get impatient and anxious, we end up canceling the request.
3. Because we ask something that would harm our divine plan, and would cause more harm than good.
(This is what the "Karmic Board" "Ascended Cosmic Beings" that ensure our "Karma" "good and bad deeds" are balanced in that life's plan. They work together and in concert with our Guardian Angels)
Our main motive or intent for our requests should be, for the greater good of self, and all others. We should always align our will, with what we understand to be God's will.
Or ask, "Would Jesus Do this, or ask for this to the Heavenly Father?"
So, bringing all this full circle, "We are responsible for what we think, say, do and ask for." And these things will cause into effect according to divine law. We have nobody to blame but ourselves.
I hope you can appreciate how difficult it is to try and share these concepts that are not easily comprehensible, writing in the go-between stops. I have purposely written from memory without taking time to make sure I have been 100% accurate. Furthermore, I have left some quotes, and information incomplete so that I might trigger or incite some of you to research and correct me proving me wrong.
I am not afraid of being corrected or criticized, I have been vilified by people closest to me already for daring to be radical, and questioning "The Religious Establishment". (Wasn't that why Jesus ended up being crucified by his own people???) But this is how I AM keeping it Real !!! (GOD'S TRUE REALITY, aligned with mine own).
I hope these thoughts, and feelings, have helped you find your own way and mode of expression; back home to LOVE. Blessings to you all, my family of the light!!!
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